Algebra Antics: A Tale of how Regular classes doesnt mean easier

If you're an reader, welcome to my blog I'm the webmaster; Cal also sorry for posting late had some tech problems! (Omg I never done this before, sorry if theres any bugs!) Ok so this is 10th grade year 2023-2024. So in my school we have Honors/Advanced Classes and Regular classes; the only difference between the two is that Advanced is faster. So Last year I took Honors Geometry (Ik Ik it sounds like I'm smart, I'm not) and I barely passed the class with a "C". So my school, seeing that I didnt do well in math , decided to put me in regular classes. Almost all of them are really easy literally A's and B's in all of them. But Algebra 2 was a rollercoaster on the second day of classes half the class left and transferred to other classes. I thought they were all being rude, well I was wrong; so many students tried to leave that class that all other Alegbra teachers classes were full like 30 students to a class. Our class went from 26 to 14 in just a few months.

So I promised my parents I would do so well, academically in Regular classes I did for the most part but her class was literally so tough, she doesnt allow retakes (All advanced classes did) and we were 2 units ahead of every other math class even my friends in advanced alegbra 2 didnt learn half the things we did. The only way to get bonus points was to; get this "Find a mistake on the homework or classwork". Literally its so hard to find a problem with a solution because its 7th hour, no one is gonna try that hard. Also I did fairly well the first semeseter "B" overall there (Academic Era) But then came 2nd semester, I got covid so I emailed ALL my teachers telling them I can come to school due to my lungs literally feeling like trash. So I had a test next day and what did she do? She gave me a 0/100 on the exam, a ZERO; literally brining my grade from a 94 A to a 62F. Literally I freaked out because the boarding school I applied to wanted to see my grades. So, instead of waiting until I was better for my exam; I wore a mask and came to school, with Covid........... all my friends and teachers were like "Cal?! Why are you here? GO HOME!," I told them all my situation and they were just appaled as I was, literally I couldnt form coherent sentences; literally I could only write because talking felt like literally eating carmel (it was so difficult to open my mouth) I coudlnt breath properly so I would step out of class when I ran out of breath from just breathing. Anyways, so I came to my Alegbra class (Finnaly) and when I say she looked so schocked , she looked both Scared and Suprised. I was standing there like a doll that just came to life and was still trying to comprehend everything, My hair was messy, my face looked pale, my voice sounded raspy,and my undereyes couldve been considered the same color as Ursulas tentacles. I was standing there waiting in line to talk to her, and I started to choke on the air (Embarrasing Ik). So I just went to a corner of the class and took off my mask so I could properly breath actual air. Everyone in that class was like "Cal, why are you wearing a mask?" and I simply said "I have Covid and I have to take her test." Everyone looked so proud and shocked that I went this far for a class. So I went back in line and everyone infront of my stepped aside and then suddenly it was my turn to ask for my retake. With her shocked expression she muttered," what do you want?". So I said in my raspy voice, "I'm here for my test retake since I coudlnt come yesterday as the Covid symptoms were the worst that day." The she was like,"Do you still have covid?" I nodded my head in agreement, and she went so pale in shock again. She loudly yelled, "Get away from me!" , while covering her mouth. I walked to my desk and she threw the test packet to me so she wouldnt have to touch me. My mind was so fuzzy, but all I could think about was to atleast pass this exam, Then 30 minutes later I found out I did pass with a perfect score! AUTHORS NOTE: THIS IS JUST PART 1 YALL